Time to teach where their food comes from (not alway Publix  ) Container gardens  right by your back door.

It’s the season to plant the patio. Edible landscaping…

The Patio was revamped..pulled out all the beautiful landscaping (just left the shade trees) and placed cardboard/newspapers and 8 inches of mels mix..New soil..No tilling,no digging…This soil can be renewed from your kitchen scraps. I keep mine in a tightly covered coffee can and dump it into a five gallon container,cover with a tiny bit of dirt and in 1 month I have-“Black Gold”..

Wealth will not buy health and I’m living proof of this. Joined TigersWorld three years ago and I’m healthier than I was at 40 years old…The next 12 week challenge is August 2011.

the transformations of all the others(I topped them by about 25 years) shines on the outside, but you can’t beat the improvments I achieved on the inside. Join us here in Winter Haven Florida with the Champions.

Ready to Plan,Plant and plot out the seasons food. The Educational ideas are limitless using this as a tool for home-schoolers and actually feeding the family Food and thoughts of better eating habits.

We are useint the square foot method and guys and gals it Works..No weeding,No digging and No kidding.

Here we go..another year and another plant in the ground..Reaping what you sow at church and at the home front.

Homeschoolers be alert and PLANT PLANT PLANT..We will be wanting to reach out and grab the food from our front steps.As fuel prices get higher..We know somethings gotta give so lets join the food evolutionary Jamie from England..

Tools ‹ Greneteam’s Gardenist Blog — WordPress.

A way to save fuel,time and make friends…

Yes the old fashioned way of making food. From DIRT to table…

Visited Maxines house and left with 4 tomato plants.Easy as pie to share and plop another tomato in your Black Gold.

We are putting together the ,”com poster” for the church people to bring their scraps every Sunday. I should be on the council as their recycling nut. We have 2 more Square Foot Gardens and the Herbs are going wild. Took some mint to Maxines house for our tea on her patio…She is the educator as her flowers are also food..Everyother plant she can add to her salads. she is 88 , lives alone(loves that) and eats and shares what she grows.

Professional Woman on the go

Food from Black Gold